May 17, 2010

Tutorial | Mencipta Header Blog Dengan Kreativiti Sendiri

Setelah mendapat permintaan daripada beberapa rakan bloggers suruh ajar macam mana nak wat header , dengan itu aku amat berbesar hati dan sangat rajin malam ni (study malas) nak wat tutorial khas untuk korang semua, my beloved readers and followers (walaupun aku ade satu lagi ASSaimen belum siap). Sharing is Caring. Sebenarnya aku wat header bukan guna Photoshop. Tak pandai. T_T  Tapi guna Scrapblog (online scrapbooks). Kalau tak pernah dengar meh klik sini. Aku suka guna Scrapblog ni sebab banyak Stickers and Background yang cantik-cantik and comel-comel dan lagi satu sebab mudah ya amat! Yang penting korang kena creativelah. Oke. Apa yang korang kena buat ialah :

1. Create a Scrapblog.
Lepas bukak link Scrapblog, click Create a Scrapblog. Kalau korang belum ade account, macam biasalah kena sign up dulu. Senang je kan. And jangan risau, benda ni free je. :)

2. Pastu korang akan direct pergi kat Scrapblog Builder. Then korang akan masuk page macam kat bawah ni. Pilih mana satu options yang korang nak start. Memandangkan korang ahli baru, so selectlah Start with a theme.

3. Pastu korang watlah header ikut kreativiti korang sendiri. (Yang ni ikut kreativiti aku, jangan ciplak ye. Be creative babe!)

4. Setelah siap mencipta header yang korang mahukan, klik Save My Progress (gambar disket tu).

5. And then, click I'm Finished! (green) Oke, time ni korang perlu Publish and Share Online korang punya creation tu, sama ada korang nak Publish kat Facebook, Photobucket or whatsoeverlah. Part ni paling penting sebab kalau korang tak publish, korang tak boleh nak save creation korang dalam komputer. (Cara yang aku selalu buat hantar kat email sendiri.)

6. Selesai saja Publish, korang akan direct pergi ke page yang tulis Congratulatoins! You did it! Click pula pada No. Thanks.

7. Then pergi pada File then click Export as JPEG.

8. Select and Download Creation yang korang dah wat tadi.

9. Pastu, korang kena buka Picnic (very recommended) atau Photobucket atau Picasa atau apa-apalah untuk edit picture korang tadi. Yang ni aku tunjuk kalau guna Picnic ye. Mula-mula korang kena Upload dulu gambar tadi.

10. Then Crop, (jika perlu) buang mana-mana bahagian yang tak patut.

11. Pastu Resize Header korang tu ikut kesesuaian blog korang. (Kalau blog aku ni guna size, Width 960. Height 450)

12. Lepas tu, Save. Then jadik lah satu Header yang comel tu. Senang je kan? Pastu tukarlah header blog korang tu. TADAAAA! Contoh-contoh header yang da siap.

WALLA! Selamat mencuba!

P/S 1 : Yeay! Ni tutorial aku yang ketiga. Hihi :)
P/S 2 : Korang selalu wat header guna ape ye? Aku tak reti wat guna Photoshop. T_T
P/S 3 : Oke, babai. Aku nak siapkan ASSaimen. (Kononnye)



Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

comel ah benda ni, aku nk try jugak lah, hee, tengs ika, kau best :P

mrs.JamaL said... [Reply to comment]

tenkiu ika....baik budak ni..boleh buat menantu..he..he..

tp tu la..baru nak stat blaja ni...broadband lak ngengada ni..ggrrrr..

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@ fara : wat jangan tak wat. hehe.. welcome faraa. :)

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@ mrs jamal : haha. wat menantu? anak akak kecik lagi kot.. ekeke.. akak sebaya abang saya je. selamat mencuba kak. :)

aya said... [Reply to comment]

thanks ika :)

Zulfahmi Abidin said... [Reply to comment]

yayayaya....wt eva...ladies stuff...wek

SyamsinaHadini said... [Reply to comment]

ekekeke... baru dua hari lepas jumpa scrapblog ni. buat buat dan buat. pastu x jadi pape. hahaha. idea hilang tah ke mana. len kali la try lagi. huhuhu
u're so good in creative stuff kan? =)

ApekxHensem™ said... [Reply to comment]

aiyyaaa ika,,,,apek baru tau...thanks for the share!!!!

elianesuriane said... [Reply to comment]

brgune... thnx2x...

hahazirahas said... [Reply to comment]

seriously, header k.ika mmg cute. igt guna ps atau yg sewktu dgnnya. rupa2nya online. bagus jgk web di ats ya. thnx 4 sharing. hsilnya pun agk superb. :D btw, ika honey bunny pun seorg yg kreatif. :)

Roxy zai said... [Reply to comment]

u creative la babe..nak try juga^_^

Ullyanazaidy said... [Reply to comment]

nk try gak la..
ika mmg kreatif...~~

p/s:header blog yna guna xtao sgt.duk men wat jek..pnat n leceh..huhu

anis said... [Reply to comment]

hehe..ika, tnkiu...
nnt bley la ajar lg ea...

saya_arief said... [Reply to comment]

nanty rajin, mau try..

iJaN said... [Reply to comment]

wah...tutorial yg bagus...ble pggl cikgu ika ni...hehehe

Aina said... [Reply to comment]

entry yg sgt berguna !
thxxx !

amin said... [Reply to comment]

nice tutor~

liyanaziz said... [Reply to comment]

tq 4 the info,,,
nak try jugak!

Jom Masak Channel said... [Reply to comment]

cantik dan comel..must try ni

vespa jobot said... [Reply to comment]

u know what?
this is rock!

pakcik rock said... [Reply to comment]

oh.. ika kentut ini kreatif la.. kehkehkeh... buat pakcik 1.... nanti pakcik pulangkan semula terofong azaib kau.... kehkehkeh...

Hazzy Ishak said... [Reply to comment]

hebat! gonna try

Hazzy Ishak said... [Reply to comment]

ku guna paint je
ha ha ha

Bingai @ Bangang said... [Reply to comment]

Blog anda telah tersenarai di
e-Direktori Bloggers Malaysia

Anda dipelawa menggunakan logo e-Direktori di blog anda.

Kami berbesar hati sekiranya anda telah mendaftar sebagai followers untuk kami jejaki blog teman-teman anda yang lain!

miss lolly a.k.a luvfareda said... [Reply to comment]

wow !

wonderful :)

~~nAzIrAh aShAr~~ said... [Reply to comment]

masyeh la ika bg tutorial gni..nt aku tarak pown da bersawang da..hahaha

Cikbelog said... [Reply to comment]

likee tutorial nieh (*__*)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

ko buat kt ctu rupenye..

Life aint easy said... [Reply to comment]

awak. tolong. xdpt buat lah sebab kena beli lah kredit lah..tak reti cmne nak pilih theme tuh..

z@!m said... [Reply to comment]

pompuan2... rjin bebenor..

mrs.JamaL said... [Reply to comment]

hmm..mkcik dh siap buat dh bile nk export file tu..x tahu nak bukak file kt mane..
sori la bnyk ynye..dh tue2 ni kan lembab lak...

kan terer sgt yang mude2 ni risau lak..he..he...

mrs.JamaL said... [Reply to comment]

xpe2 mkcik dh dapat dh..sori ika..ten kiu ye...

Sharinginfoz said... [Reply to comment]

thanks for sharing. bagus ni...

Budak US Tak Tahu Maths??

kata kila said... [Reply to comment]

waaaaaaaahh, best lah tutorial ni.aheheh.thanks babe

Finger Notes said... [Reply to comment]

wahhhhhhhh...sgt teruja... thanks adik...hehe...bagus sharing...

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

ni ada website khas nak buat header ek?
great! =D

Dr. Zuhaira said... [Reply to comment]

Salam Ika n semua pembaca blog Ika,

Nak jemput semua utk join survey.

Sila ke sini utk keterangan lanjut.


>>great info, keep it up girl!


shazika said... [Reply to comment]

tengkiu ika ajar cara wat header
aku nyer simple giler kot taruk domo jek

akhirnya aku tau kat mana nak buat benda alah ni


Yuni Aisyah said... [Reply to comment]

thanx ika..nnti kte cube.=)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

zaazz...terbaik..thumbs up 4 u...^_^

Usy@M^^ said... [Reply to comment]

Bgs tutorial ni....blh cube ni..

Saya Suka Cara Kamu Berfikir

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

hehe. oke semua.. cuba jgn tak cube.. :)

Miss Eyda said... [Reply to comment]

nice giler :)thanks for sharing this.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

hehe.. header yg comel!! tringin jgk nk buat tp blog layout sy x sesuai ada header.. huuu.. (t.t)

mrs.JamaL said... [Reply to comment]

salam cikgu...
xde pelajaran baru ker hari ni...?
wah semangat

dyah16 ! said... [Reply to comment]

salam. hi! i pon ade try gak. nmpak u pnye header sngat comel. tpi mlas plak nk tgu loading kat situ. last2 xbuat pon. hee~

Dolmar Desserts said... [Reply to comment]

Nice tutorial!!!!!:D

dulu dah pernah jumpa tentang scrapblog nihh...pastu internet lembab kalah siput, terpaksa lupakan hajat di hati..T___T

so i stick to photoshop...padahal x reti guna ponnn..haha

s h a f i q h a s h i m _____ said... [Reply to comment]

yg tak best nye berbayar ann :)

Mrs Nurul said... [Reply to comment]

thanks weh..dah lame aku carik tutorial ceni ;) nice

Fyka said... [Reply to comment]

tq 4 da tutorial..
sy dh wat & then dah jd..
tq tq tq..

- elina - said... [Reply to comment]

akhirnya jmpa jugak tuto buat header!
nk try lahh..

Zo Ahmad said... [Reply to comment]

hah ayam goreng je rupenye.. knape la aku wat sampai berjam2!!cait!cait!cait!
btw thx 4 that tuto!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

sys..pndainye sis wat header gilak..
=) suke2..

Annis Suzana said... [Reply to comment]

ika.. cmne ko crop pix ikt bntk yg kte nk..
cm ko wt kt header ko skg?

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

yang tu aku gune photoshop. tgk kat tutorial photoshop lagi satu

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]
This comment has been removed by the author.
6 Gemilang said... [Reply to comment]

hye, nice tuto. tp xtaw nak start wat cane. nak wat tulisan n sume2 tuh. bole x u wat tutorial untuk wat header ni step by step?

cik diba said... [Reply to comment]

huhu tak leh download pon...huhu

cik diba said... [Reply to comment]

huhu tak leh download pon...huhu

Cikin said... [Reply to comment]

tenkiu share .
skrg belog cikin tak botak lg .
dah ada header .
thnks to u (:

dLa Suri said... [Reply to comment]

ika nak tnye,
blog ika gune classic template ke or gune template designer tu?

cikshahida said... [Reply to comment]

i da wat asal xleh nk donlod..uhuk
help me pleseee =)

Bee said... [Reply to comment]

salam ika.! bee try buat tapi dah publish berkali2 pun still tk leh save dlm komputer mcm mana ek ?:

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

salam perkenalan..aii..nice to meet u..nothing to say just simple 4 me..thnkz 4 da tuto..nway sy xd pon blog..bru nk xtaw hope u can teach me..from 1st n last..

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

salam perkenalan..aii..nice to meet u..nothing to say just simple 4 me..thnkz 4 da tuto..nway sy xd pon blog..bru nk xtaw hope u can teach me..from 1st n last..

oshin-jamel said... [Reply to comment]

salam...nk tnye..ngape yer lps export as JPEG tue x kua pon download..camne yer?huhhuhuh~`plzzz help akk

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

macam best je. hee nk cube jugak ! :)

PEnSiL WArNa said... [Reply to comment]

ika,boleh tnye tak..bile da psg header.knape die jd xcentre..

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hai Ika, I'm your new follower! Serious babe, blog you lawa! You creative bg macam mana bnyk tutorial pon, takleh lawan idea u yg tingg! mcm-mcm tuh! Hehe btw thanks ya for this tutorial (;

Ms.ze said... [Reply to comment]

dh tekan dh still xleh..
button utk perkataan i'm finished pun xde..

_iezrah! said... [Reply to comment]

hai... sy de wat header gune tuto anda :p sgh la blog sy n tgk.. x cntek.. tp i try blja2.. hihihihihi

call me ARA said... [Reply to comment]

thanks sis! info sgt berguna. :)
may god bless you. :)

Nor Azlina Najib said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks pada Ika..sebab sudi share ilmu...akak dah try praktis,...wallawaehh..menjadi..hiks...thanks a lot

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

10q so i have my own header.