December 27, 2010

Gathering Blogger di Times Square

Semalam iaitu pada hari Ahad 26 Disember ika pergi gathering blogger kat Times Square. Gathering semalam was fun. Dapat jumpa dengan ramai blogger and berkenal-kenalan dengan mereka. Yang penting dapat jumpa dengan sayang mucuk Huda, Cikepal, Milimilo, Eny, Zelo, Erry, Cik Helena, Melromeo, Pojiepooh, ZueMieyabubbletalk, Tia, Eyka meow, Hanna, Akmal, Aishah, and ohhh memang ramai and meriah lah. Boleh refer siniRina Salleh juara gadis melayu musim ke-3 tu pon ada. Aaaa, diorang memang pemarah, eh peramah habes lah. Suka gila! Kehkehkeh, kat sini ade beberapa gambar untuk tatapan semua. Actually gambar-gambar kat bawah ni bukan aku yang punya, kahkahkah.  

Gambar credit to Mili.

 Ramai kan ramai kan? Teehee.

Mel sedang bercakap-cakap


 Wanita howtt

Gambar credit to Zue

More gambar boleh tengok kat entry Cik Epal yang ini. Yang tak dapat pergi tu, len kali pergi tau boleh kita beramahmesra. Hehe, Oke itu sahaja laporan daripada Ikahoneybunny.


Suraya Aris said... [Reply to comment]

Wah seronok nyeeeeeeeeee ;)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

sian ika dari kul 11 da sampai TS.

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@Ery Farieha

aaa tahu takpe beb. hahaha, takpe penantian ku memang berbaloi baloi walaupun penat gila vaveh semalam

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@si suraya

hehe, seronok2. ;)

Ayeem Jemain said... [Reply to comment]

wahh sapa yg cun tu? kekeke

Fyka said... [Reply to comment]

sy jeles..

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@Ayeem Jemain


ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

alaa yang. janganlah jeles. nanti kita jumpa eyhh? hee

pinkaholic miera said... [Reply to comment]

perghhh syok !

Mr. Swift said... [Reply to comment]

Heyy polo awak!
Nanti free bosan ke datang jenguk blog saya tau.

My Latest Entry -

Call me, Eyka said... [Reply to comment]

hi ika honeybunny! huhuhu

memang best an? rugi sape x join (yg dok are KL ni la..)

hoho ppepun, nice 2 meet u.

Gecko Art said... [Reply to comment]

wah ramai gak ni erk....

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


haah, tula pasal kan? memang rugi ohh. hehe nice to meet you to dear hee ;)

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@pinkaholic miera

hehe syok2! ;)

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@Gecko Art

ramai2. ni tak semua ade dalam gambar. ade la dalam 50 lebih yg datang. hehe. best

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@Mr. Swift

oke, insya allah ;)

tiqaa said... [Reply to comment]

bestnyaaaa dpt jmpe blogger2 lain! :)

tiafazunia said... [Reply to comment]

ouhh! ni lahh blog ika!
oke2! fes time here! hehe ;))

nice to meet u dear! :D

Anna Boleyn said... [Reply to comment]

hye ika honey bunny.. :) sy yg pakai baju grey duduk plg depan belah kiri sekali tu. hehe ;p

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


nape tak juin ehh? tiqa kan duk usj je kan? hehe lenkali oin tauuu tauu tauuu? boleh jumpeeee. ;)

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


hehe.. iye, blog saya comot je. thankss tia. hehe nice to meet you dearrr.. ;)

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@Anna Boleyn

haaaa, hannalovenest kan? kalau tak salah laa.. hehehe. nice to meet you ana. huhu haritu tak dapat berbual byk sgt.

FarhanaFabulous said... [Reply to comment]

ika..beshnyeee dpt gathering mcm ni...sume femes2...

Fatima said... [Reply to comment]

lovely pictures!

TenangSudey said... [Reply to comment]

wah bestnyaaaaaaa.. lain kali nak join jugak la

z@!m said... [Reply to comment]

uiihh cambest jek..

*haa aku da komen bebeh =P*

Hazzy Ishak said... [Reply to comment]

tak aci tak aci...
kenapa aku balik penang masa tu?

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


hehe. best beb. len kali jom lah join oke :)

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


hehe yes indeed. thankss

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


ahhh kauuu. HAHAHA. tak ikhlassss ssssiooottt

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@Hazzy Ishak

rugi beb rugi. haha. dorang kate bulan 1 ade lagi gathering tapi ika pun tak sure laa

z@!m said... [Reply to comment]

okla aku komen lgi skli... haa ikhlas r tu...

Melz said... [Reply to comment]

ahhaa thanks ika coz join gathering nie! Wohha :)

daydeck86 said... [Reply to comment]

singgah kat sini plak

Aisyalicious said... [Reply to comment]

happy blogging :)

Pojiepooh Abdullah said... [Reply to comment]

Uiiii bangga giler siot wajah dan link ku terpapar di blog comel ini.. Halooo, salam perkenalan.. Cehhh, padahal dah lama ushaa blog nih.. Jumpa malu2 plak ;p

PojiePooh; Hanya Satu...

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


tak nak! tak ikhlas jugak. huhuh

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


daydeck. wuwuuu. singgah je ke?

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


welcome melz. len kali buat lagi tau tau

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]


happy blogging to you toooooo ;)

ika yunos said... [Reply to comment]

@||| PöJìé PööH |||

hahaha. pojie mmg ngade kannnn. eshh.. salam perkenalan jugakk. hehe happy to meet you. len kali kite jumpa lagi yooooo!!! hehe